Testing & Reporting

In collaboration with the other Regional Information Centers and the New York State Education Department, we are assisting our 47 public school districts and 39 non-public schools with the transition from paper based testing to computer based testing. This joint effort occurs through weekly conference calls, scheduled training, and full access to the DLM/KITE Platform and Questar/Nextera Platform. Access to the platform provides a means of monitoring progress and assisting with issues or problems.

On a frequent basis, we communicate with District Data Coordinators, Testing Coordinators and Regents Contacts to support preparation of answer sheets for NYS Assessments (ELA, Math, NYSESLAT, and Science) and Regents (August, January, and June) through data warehouse extracts and spreadsheets. Files are prepared for printing, the sheets are quality controlled, packed with instructional documentation on distributing and returning the answer sheets, and arrangements are made for delivery to districts and schools. Maintaining contact lists, setting appropriate due dates with timely reminders, and administering content and access to the Testing Department portion of ShareCloud promotes a smooth process.

Full support is provided to nonpublic schools in accurately entering student information into the data warehouse to facilitate the creation and reporting of answer sheets for the NYS Assessments and Regents. All answer sheets are processed through scanning and software to prepare test results and graduation data in the appropriate format for NYSED.

End of year test result reports, Regents discrepancy reports, BARS training by request, and BARS passwords resets are provided to the districts and schools by the Testing Department.

Scope of Services

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Open Hours & Contact Info

Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00pm


845-255-1450 ext. 1220

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