Data & Network Security Audit
Due to a changing world, there is an increasing responsibility to implement information security policies, guidelines, and procedures. The MHRIC can provide expertise in network security, information security, security management practices, virus protection, firewalls, and intrusion detection for wired and wireless networks. This offering can be customized to a district’s needs.
In order to effectively protect your network and data, there are 3 main components that need attention:
1. Having an accurate inventory of your endpoints
2. Knowing where your sensitive data resides and who has access to it
3. Knowing what sort of traffic is traversing across the network - Statistics show most organizations don’t discover they’ve been breached for 170 days.
Using various DLP technologies, the MHRIC can audit your network to minimize sensitive data loss and help develop an incident response plan should a breach occur such as ransomware attacks.