Frontline IEP is a web-based special education management system providing input and maintenance capability for special education student demographic and program data. Frontline IEP is an intuitive and easy-to-use system and users can access the program from any Internet connection.
Frontline IEP can produce student IEPs, IESPs, CSE, and CPSE meeting information, goals, and program recommendations, as well as progress monitoring, based on the data that are inputted and maintained. Information required for the State-mandated PD reports, State Aid forms, and the Student Information Repository System can also be generated and submitted through Frontline IEP. Letters produced in Microsoft Word can interface with information in the Frontline IEP database. In addition, real-time file sharing and file transfers between Frontline IEP districts are available within the application. The MHRIC will import—upon written request from the district—all Grade 3-8 ELA/Math/Science, Regents, RCTs, NYSESLAT, and NYSAA assessment scores. We can also assist districts with uploading local assessment scores in the appropriate electronic format. Frontline IEP requires a specific Internet browser and hardware setup, which are aidable as part of the service.
Through a multi-phase technical planning and implementation process, a district may integrate demographic data from its general education student management system to Frontline IEP/Frontline RTI. The Centris Sync technology checks for database changes between the general education student information system and Frontline IEP/Frontline RTI, and regularly sends any changes automatically. This capability can work with a general education student information system that provides an automated file export in a standardized XML format in accordance with Frontline Education’s specification. The creation of the automated file export to support Centris Sync is the responsibility of the school system’s vendor. Successful implementation of Centris Sync requires careful coordination and planning between a district’s technical staff, the MHRIC, Frontline Education, and the student information system vendor. Please contact the MHRIC to explore this option further.
Document Repository is an online document management solution designed exclusively for Special Education. It allows districts to store, manage, and access documents electronically. This optional module of Frontline IEP is a document management solution, which allows districts to:
- Store electronic documents in Frontline IEP at the individual student level.
- Access documents electronically by authorized individuals.
- Control access to view and store documents based on group roles or individual users.
- Organize documents by category/type.
- Add document descriptions.
- Search for documents by multiple criteria.
- Securely manage documents electronically.
- Restrict editing of the content of documents after they have been stored.
Document Repository also includes a fax component to create and store images of paper documentation in those cases when a scanner is not available. The fax component creates an electronic file and stores it in the document repository using a standard fax machine.
The Frontline Document Repository is a licensed add-on to the Frontline IEP management system which allows electronic copies of documents (e.g., evaluation reports) to be stored in student files within Frontline IEP. Successful implementation of the Document Repository requires coordination and planning between a district’s technical and special education staff, the Mid-Hudson Regional Information Center (MHRIC), and Frontline Education.
Scope of Service
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