Special Education
The Mid-Hudson Regional Information Center (MHRIC) has supported the Frontline Education (formerly Centris Group) products since the 2001-2002 school year. We were the first Regional Information Center in New York State to contract with Frontline and developed a good partnership. We are currently supporting services for 49 School Districts/BOCES using Frontline IEP, 48 School Districts using Frontline 504, 35 School Districts using Frontline RTI and 35 School Districts using Frontline Medicaid in the Mid-Hudson four-county region.
Some of the services received as part of this support are as follows:
- Unlimited telephone support by trained MHRIC specialists
- Required NYS data extracts from the Frontline products and uploaded to Level 0 Data
- Detailed assistance with special education, as well as Title I errors, in the Level 0 Data Warehouse
- Offer specialized training for State Reporting data, New User training & workshops at various lab locations
- On-site training offered for district personnel
- Annual User Group Meetings scheduled at the MHRIC – including guest speakers from Frontline Education
- Planning & implementation of additional software features
- Local housing & maintenance of data
- Our history and partnership with Frontline Education allows us to advocate for our districts.
- The face-to-face training and customization is based on individual district needs.
- The reliability of consistent professional staff who have been supporting the products since the beginning of their existence.
- Responsive turnaround time regarding questions and inquiries
Scope of Services
- ClearTrack 200
- RTI Edge
- Frontline IEP
- Frontline RTI
ClearTrack 200
CLEARTRACK 200 605.106
ClearTrack 200 is a non-profit competitor to the Frontline IEP and Medicaid products. Developed in and for NYS, ClearTrack 200 is committed to making special education management easier with an intuitive program that is flexible and user-friendly.
ClearTrack 200 was designed to answer the distinct needs of multiple stakeholders in your district:
- With an interface designed by teachers for teachers, ClearTrack 200 allows easy access to all of your Special Education teachers’ data input needs in a simple and easy format. It also includes step-by-step access to IEPs, test data, progress notes, Medicaid input, reporting needs, and more.
- For the General Education teacher, ClearTrack 200 provides a simple, one-screen view of their students’ un-editable, finalized IEPs with an option to export to the district’s student information system.
- The system includes a full-meeting and IEP management component for your CSE team, including system alerts to ensure compliance verification. Extensive reporting with access to hundreds of canned reports, custom reports, and queries will assist your CSE team to provide a deeper level of support to your students.
- For District administration, ClearTrack 200 provides state-of-the-art security and SSL data encryption. Your district is fully in control of who can see which components, as well as when a user can make changes. ClearTrack 200 also includes a component for logging viewed, finalized IEPs. Finally, do-it-yourself custom reporting can aid district administrators to extract the information needed from the fully relational database.
Other features include:
- Customizable security access by user, group, and/or document.
- Customizable and compliant IEPs and letter templates with query reporting of historical data
- Ability to create and share finalized IEPs in encrypted, password-protected PDFs.
- Fully integrated Medicaid component, including a teacher module.
- Full reporting, including data warehouse, State Aid Form A, custom queries, Office of Civil Rights, statistical and compliance, RS1/RS2, and over 120 other system reports.
- Track STAC high cost and staff cost per student, electronically submit school-age filings for STAC.
- Automated daily imports from student management systems and exports.
- Tracking of other special populations like 504, AIS and RTI.
Service benefits include:
In year 1, the MHRIC staff will work with the district to develop an implementation plan which will include converting existing Special Education demographics, where possible; defining district tests, subtests, and services within ClearTrack200; develop the IEP format and data entry form along with setting up tables within ClearTrack200. Up to three (3) days of on-site support and training is included. Ongoing support includes extract IEP Program Fact Template, BEDs Day Snapshot, EOY Snapshot, Special Ed Events and complete electronic data import to the NYSED District Student Data Validation Web Site (Level 0). Import Grades 3-8 ELA & Math Assessment scores, Grades 4 & 8 Science Assessment scores, Regents, RCTs, NYSESLAT and NYSAA. Training sessions, content workshops and user group meetings are included along with ongoing telephone and email support.
Ongoing support includes up to one (1) day of on-site support/training and updated IEP documentation.
RTI Edge
RTI EDGE 605.108
Need a simplified data analysis tool for RTI? Look no further. RTI Edge is a complete Response to Intervention data tracking and analysis tool - all in one system! Easily identify struggling learners and their unique skill deficits with easy-to-use graphing solutions.
With RTI Edge, you can use data to make informed decisions to determine in a timely manner if interventions are making a difference with the child’s progress. RTI Edge will benchmark ALL students three times a year and allow users to review benchmark results easily with one click. With an easy-to-use and intuitive graphical interface, your district will be able to:
- Graph student and class performance.
- Predict student success.
- Track interventions based on unique student needs.
- Progress monitor goal performance.
- Generate RTI forms/letters quickly.
- Track RTI data team meetings and e-mail agendas.
- Reduce special education referrals.
- Track multiple assessment/benchmark data and compare assessment results to State Test data.
- Track communication including letter tracking, contact log and parent notification.
- Enter universal screening data.
- Identify at-risk students.
- Individual skill-based tracking
Service benefits include: In year 1, the MHRIC staff will work with the district to develop an implementation plan. This will include converting existing student demographics and data, when possible; establish the RTI Edge Database on a server; assist district with table set up, universal and screening tests and subtests software, define interventions, develop the format of the AIS and RTI plans; and set up automatic nightly imports of demographics from the SMS. Up to three (3) days of on-site/on-line support and training included.
On-going Support includes update Frontline RTI documentation; telephone and email support; training sessions and content workshops; Extract Title 1 Part A- Schools Offering Targeted Assistance Programs, Title 1 Part A- Improving Basic Programs School-Wide, Title 1 Part D- Prevention and Intervention Programs for children and Youth who are Neglected, Title 1 Part D- Prevention and Intervention Programs for children and Youth who are Delinquent, Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) and complete electronic data import to the NYSED District Student Data Validation Web Site (Level 0); Import Grades 3-8 ELA & Math Assessment scores, Grades 4 & 8 Science Assessment scores, Regents, RCTs, NYSESLAT & NYSAA and RTI Edge User Group meetings.
Additional on-site training and support days available on a per diem basis.
Frontline IEP
Frontline IEP is a web-based, intuitive and easy to use special education management system providing input and maintenance capability for special education student demographic and program data.
Frontline IEP can produce student IEPs, IESPs, CSE, and CPSE meeting information, goals, and program recommendations, as well as progress monitoring, based on the data that are inputted and maintained. Information required for the State-mandated PD reports, State Aid forms, and the Student Information Repository System can also be generated and submitted through Frontline IEP. Letters produced in Microsoft Word can interface with information in the Frontline IEP database. In addition, real-time file sharing and file transfers between Frontline IEP districts are available within the application.
Feature: Synchronicity with SMS
Frontline sync technology checks for database changes between the general education student information system and Frontline IEP/Frontline RTI, and regularly sends any changes automatically. This capability can work with a general education student information system that provides an automated file export in a standardized XML format in accordance with Frontline Education’s specification. The creation of the automated file export to support the sync is the responsibility of the school system’s vendor.
Feature: Document Repository
- The Frontline IEP document repository feature will enable your district to:
- Store electronic documents in Frontline IEP at the individual student level.
- Securely manage and access documents electronically by authorized individuals.
- Control access to view and store documents based on group roles or individual users.
- Organize documents by category/type and add document descriptions.
- Search for documents by multiple criteria.
- Restrict editing of the content of documents after they have been stored.
- Fax to create and store images of paper documentation when a scanner is not available.
Successful implementation of the Frontline Synchronicity and Document Repository requires coordination and planning between a district’s technical and special education staff, the Mid-Hudson Regional Information Center (MHRIC), and Frontline Education.
Service benefits include:
In year 1, the MHRIC staff will work with the district to develop an implementation plan which will include converting existing Special Education demographics, where possible; defining district tests, subtests, and services within IEP; develop the IEP format and data entry form along with setting up tables within IEP. Up to three (3) days of on-site support and training is included.
Ongoing support includes extract IEP Program Fact Template, BEDs Day Snapshot, EOY Snapshot, Special Ed Events and complete electronic data import to the NYSED District Student Data Validation Web Site (Level 0). Import Grades 3-8 ELA & Math Assessment scores, Grades 4 & 8 Science Assessment scores, Regents, RCTs, NYSESLAT and NYSAA. Training sessions, content workshops and user group meetings are included along with ongoing telephone and email support.
Year 2 and beyond includes up to one (1) day of on-site support/training. Update IEP documentation.
Frontline RTI
This Web-based system for Academic Intervention Services/Response to Intervention offers the most comprehensive and easy to use AIS/RTI tracking and management software designed specifically for New York State school districts. Included in the system is a comprehensive at-a-glance tracking of each student’s entire AIS/RTI information on one scrollable page; development of student AIS/RTI plans directly online for viewing, editing, and collaborating by all authorized staff involved with a student; built-in AIS/RTI tracking; and progress reports. Features include:
- Document, maintain, and track all AIS/RTI meetings and results of each meeting.
- Electronically populate and generate data collection forms (available in both elementary and secondary levels).
- Users have the ability to mass data enter multiple student interventions at one time, as well as create filters to allow the user to sort out student information quickly and easily.
- Reports and analytics available.
Additional features of the program:
- Provide automatic content and functionality updates in response to changing New York State regulations.
- Enable 24 hour/7 day access from any computer connected to the web, with real-time sharing of AIS/RTI student and program information among any number of authorized users at any location.
- Make communications and compliance with requirements fast and easy with point-and-click parent notifications.
- Save time and produce high quality reports through the function of a fully integrated tool for creating quarterly AIS/RTI progress reports.
- Allow built-in AIS/RTI tracking reports to be generated at the building and/or district level.
- Help keep track of AIS/RTI related tasks and ensure that the appropriate actions are taken with the use of Online “to do” lists.
- Provide authorized users a direct link to Frontline IEP to view students’ IEPs within Frontline RTI.
- Response to Intervention Achievement Assessment Matrix.
Service benefits include:
In year 1, system specialists at the Mid-Hudson Regional Information Center will assist districts with the specific Internet access configuration and hardware setup, as well as training and support for staff.
Ongoing support includes updates to RTI documentation, training sessions, content workshops and user group meetings along with telephone and email support. Extract Frontline RTI Title 1 Part A- Schools Offering Targeted Assistance Programs, Title 1 Part A- Improving Basic Programs School-Wide, Title 1 Part D- Prevention and Intervention Programs for children and Youth who are Neglected, Title 1 Part D- Prevention and Intervention Programs for children and Youth who are Delinquent, Coordinated Early Intervening Services (CEIS) and complete electronic data import to the NYSED District Student Data Validation Web Site (Level 0); import Grades 3-8 ELA & Math Assessment scores, Grades 4 & 8 Science Assessment scores, Regents, RCTs, NYSESLAT & NYSAA.
Frontline RTI User Group meetings- The purpose of this group is to share relevant information geared toward school-district Administrators and Central Office staff responsible for AIS/RTI within the four-county area. It is a forum for the discussion and sharing of Frontline RTI problems and solutions, as well as address issues and software enhancement requests directly with the developers of the product.
Additional on-site training and support days available on a per diem basis.
Frontline Medicaid is a web-based innovative tool for managing Medicaid claiming and direct billing as per the New York State School/Preschool Supportive Health Services Program. Frontline Medicaid may be used as a stand-alone application or in conjunction with Frontline IEP. When linked with Frontline IEP, useful validation rules are activated to assist with determining and maximizing valid reimbursement claims. Frontline Medicaid includes a wide range of reports useful for maintaining eligibility, claiming, and remittance records.
The Medicaid Toolkit is a powerful analytic and reporting tool, designed to significantly increase Medicaid Reimbursement. This feature gives your district a clear picture of the potential Medicaid claiming and allows you to set realistic goals in maximizing reimbursement. In addition, it will assist the district to identify, prioritize and act fast on date sensitive billing for the highest potential opportunities in reaching these goals.
Service benefits include:
In year 1, the MHRIC staff will arrange and participate in an implementation planning meeting; assist with the setup of Frontline Medicaid and provide documentation; and provide one day of on-site support and training.
Ongoing support includes virtual training sessions and user group meetings; virtual, phone and email support and one (1) on-site training day per year, based on district request.
Frontline ESA includes all of the features and functionality of Frontline IEP. Developed specifically for use by BOCES sites in New York State, the system also contains billing and scheduling modules. Using the same web-based user interface, Frontline ESA is intuitive and easy to use. Frontline ESA is designed to accept file shares from school districts using Frontline IEP.
Frontline ESA includes reports and listings tailored to meet the needs of BOCES professionals. Information required for New York State reports and verification, and certain State Aid forms, can be generated through Frontline ESA. In addition, Frontline ESA provides the ability to create student schedules, maintain attendance records, and produce report cards and student cumulative records.
Frontline ESA requires a specific Internet browser and hardware setup.
Service benefits include:
In year 1, the MHRIC staff will work with the district to develop an implementation plan which will include converting existing Special Education demographics, where possible; defining district tests, subtests, and services within IEP; develop the IEP format and data entry form along with setting up tables within IEP. Up to three (3) days of on-site support and training is included.
Ongoing support includes updates of IEP documentation. Training sessions, content workshops and user group meetings are included along with unlimited telephone and email support.
Year 2 and beyond includes up to one (1) day of on-site support/training.
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Open Hours & Contact Info
Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:00pm
845-255-1450 x1241