Heartland’s WebSMARTT Food Service Management system is a powerful program which utilizes SQL server replication to communicate data between school sites and the food service central office. The replication process allows transactions, meal statuses, and changes to student records to be updated in the system at regularly scheduled intervals. WebSMARTT can be integrated with other district applications, such as student management systems and MHRIC support automated calling systems.

WebSMARTT features include POS touch-screen registers, meal application processing, Direct Certification matching, and a Verification processing utility. There is an assortment of daily reports available for bank deposits, transaction tracking, sales and meal counts, reimbursements, and for other state and federal requirements. Heartland also provides an online payment and account monitoring solution called MySchoolBucks.

The support team uses remote access software to connect to district food service computers and POS terminals for troubleshooting and training purposes. Training and technical support is also available to our districts as needed; please email foodservice@mhric.org.

The MHRIC support team provides the following services:

  • Consultation and planning with district personnel.
  • Project management.
  • Installation and configuration.
  • Nightly import of student information from the student management system.
  • Nightly import (optional) of WebSMARTT free and reduced data to update the student management system for the purpose of updating the NYS data repository.
  • Application training.
  • Remote diagnostic support.
  • Assistance with Direct Certification matching.
  • Assistance with verification processing.
  • End of Year and Start of Year processing.
  • Annual User Group Meeting to review software updates, regulatory changes, and best practices.

Scope of Services